Sunday 2 May 2010

Test Night

Thursday 29th April and it is test night. I was really excited and concerned about the Big Test. Would I ever be able to get Jack to sit for a whole minute without changing position, Would Jack walk on a loose lead with and without distractions. I certainly had my doubts. My lovely husband and daughter very kindly took Jack for a walk before we set off for the Test, in the hope that a good run about before hand would tire him out just a little! Oh dear how wrong can one be. He seemed even more excited and excitable when we arrived to be examined. I did take the Bannana (see previous post) but with little effect. The test started well and Jack let me examine him and remove his collar for examination and then we did the STAY....Would he do it for me. 30 seconds, 20, seconds and several attempts later we gave up, whilst other dogs had their turn. Jack was given a second chance and with the stern eye and command of our trainer. Jack was passed this section....Why oh why does one minute (just 60 seconds) seem so long......The Recall. Well he succeded in this, her certainly flew down the hall to return to me, when called, but putting him back on the lead was a farce, ALTHOUGH I DID SUCEED. Anyway after what seemed a very very long hour. All the dogs present and their owners (including myself) were told we had passed our Bronze award! I dont think my family would have believed it if I had not returned with our certificate........Oh well onwards and upwards...Next week we move up a class and start woring out way towards the Siver Award! 2 minutes in STAY!!!!!!!